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Awards for our work

Conservation Heroes 2015
Awarded by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for the first time to people from our country for the achievements in the training, research and service processes with the different programs that ORCONDECO has developed to date
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Whitley Award 2008
Winner of the international conservation prize "Whitley Award" granted by the organization Whitley Fund for Nature and Princess Anne, England (

Peace Rose 2012
Participation as one of the 21 personalities of young Guatemalan leaders who through their work and effort have stood out for promoting and contributing to peace at different levels in Guatemala, participating in the change of the Rose of Peace in the National Palace of Culture and the initiatives "Chain for Peace" and "24-0"
Whitley Award
(Oscar Verde), 2008
Otorgado por la organización Whitley Fund for Nature y la Princesa Anne en Londres, Inglaterra por el enfoque pionero, participativo y holístico de nuestra labor de conservación que vincula de manera respetuosa y efectiva el conocimiento científico y la sabiduría ancestral para sensibilizar sobre el valor e importancia de la naturaleza y ayudar a las comunidades en el cuidado y la toma de decisiones informadas para proteger sus territorios y biodiversidad.
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