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Nuestra Historia

Our history

María and I, Marleny, are two biologist friends who began our research practices with the study of the hunting activity of wild animals in 2002, in the communities of the RAMSAR Ecoregion Lachuá Wetland.

During this process of coexistence with the Maya-Q'eqchi' communities, we realized that we wanted our work to be useful to people and that conservation decisions could be made for the species we studied and their habitat in a practical and tangible way.

That was how in 2010, with the help of friends who trusted us and our dreams, we gave life to the Organization for the Conservation of Nature and Community Development -ORCONDECO-.


Timeline of our work





2010 - 2018

2018 - 2022

2016 - 2017

2018 - 2020

2020 - 2022

Studies of the hunting activity in the Maya-Q'eqchi' communities and participatory research on primates, felines and ethnozoology.

Postgraduate studies and beginning of the gestation of our idea of applied and transformative conservation work.

We organize ourselves as a Civil Association and ORCONDECO is born

Fundación de ORCONDECO.

Applied actions of transformative conservation through popular environmental education as a transversal axis in our 7 programs

We created our headquarters and Comprehensive Training Center "Atz'umak" to strengthen ourselves, teach what we have learned and network

Implementación de la Bandera del Buen Vivir e iniciativas juveniles para el cuidado de la naturaleza y el bienestar comunitario. 

Autogestión y creación del Centro de Formación Integral "Atz´umak", nuestro laboratorio de sueños, para enseñar lo aprendido, formar líderes en la conservación transformadora, impulsar medios de vida sustentables y hacer red para fortalecer nuestra labor.

Inauguración del Centro Atz´umak y procesos de empoderamiento de jóvenes, autoridades y profesionales universitarios como líderes para la conservación transformadora y el bienestar comunitario.

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