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We appreciate and value your support

¡Acciona y contribuye al cuidado de la Madre Naturaleza y el bienestar comunitario de una de las regiones más hermosas, importantes y amenazadas de Guatemala!

¡Muchas gracias por la ayuda que puedas brindar!

Consulting and Services

Technical, professional and logistical support in the areas of sociology, anthropology, multimedia (video, animation, sound, etc.), theater, art, appropriate technology, sustainable production systems and others; are welcome to enrich and strengthen our work

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Consulting and Services

Technical, professional and logistical support in the areas of sociology, anthropology, multimedia (video, animation, sound, etc.), theater, art, appropriate technology, sustainable production systems and others; are welcome to enrich and strengthen our work



We have a long way to go and your help is really appreciated to be able to do it.

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