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Green Action

With the support of the Mayan Nut Institute, Nutrinatural Foods and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Petén, we have developed training workshops on the use, exploitation and care of the ramón tree (Brosimum alicastrum; Aax in Maya-Q´eqchi´) . This pilot program has been started in prominent PEACE schools so that students and parents can learn about the importance of this native tree, which has multiple nutritional, medicinal, ecological and cultural uses. To date, at least 232 families from six communities in three regions have benefited from these workshops, acquiring new and valuable Ramón knowledge for the preparation of highly nutritious foods and for the techniques necessary for planting and caring for them. In the medium term, we have proposed this initiative as an alternative that can considerably help improve the quality of life of local communities, serving as a key element in local food-nutritional security, favoring the decrease in the consumption of wild meat and the regeneration , reforestation and landscape connectivity.

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